The DTRF official publication list can be found at the following:

I will be aiming however to go through the latest publications and simplify some of the research into an easy to read article in this section.

Prognostic Factors Influencing Progression-Free Survival Determined From a Series of Sporadic Desmoid Tumors: A Wait-and-See Policy According to Tumor Presentation

One of the articles I pulled out of the list to have a more in depth look at was “Prognostic Factors Influencing Progression-Free Survival Determined From a Series of Sporadic Desmoid Tumors: A Wait-and-See Policy According to Tumor Presentation.” This report focuses on looking at a “wait-and-see” approach, aiming to show that leaving a desmoid tumour as it is without any medical treatment could in fact be beneficial. Out of the 27 studied patients that chose to take this wait-and-see approach 16 of the patients reported the desmoid tumour becoming a stable size, 5 of the 27 reporting the tumour as being in remission and only 6 of the 27 finding the condition progressed. The link for this study is:            Figure 1 in the report showing the findings of the research.